by Return to Me: Lenten Reflections by Holy Cross 2019
In today's readings, we are called to turn our focus inward. The reading from Joel calls all of us to drop everything and return to God. In the psalm, we ask God to "wash me from my guilt" and create "a clean heart." And the Gospel reminds us that our private relationship with God is what's important -- to "
pray to your Father in secret."
Lent is a wonderful opportunity to quiet the noise that surrounds us and to refocus our attention inward. When we get caught up in the frenzy of our lives,we can get disconnected and become more selfish or thoughtless in our words and actions. Taking the time to stop, reconcile with God and get a fresh start -- that clean heart -- is a profound gift. We are looking forward to being reconnected in a prayerful dialogue and in mindful actions each day in the coming weeks.
Today, we are entering a season that doesn't feel gloomy at all!