Catholic Church in Bronx, NY
If you would like to become a parishioner at St. Theresa’s, please stop in at the rectory, 2855 St. Theresa Avenue, or call us at 718.892.1900 and leave the following information: Your Name, Phone Number, Address. Or fill out this online form.
Welcome to St. Theresa
The members of St. Theresa of the Infant Jesus Parish would like to warmly welcome you to our community of faith. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to become a part of St. Theresa’s, “A caring community reaching out to one another in Christ.”
If you are looking for a Catholic parish, we invite you to visit St. Theresa’s this weekend or at any time. Please introduce yourself to one of our priests or to one of our parish staff members.
This website can provide you with information regarding the liturgical celebrations in our parish community and the opportunities we offer for you to grow in the Catholic faith. See the link to “Liturgy/Sacraments”.
We would be very happy to talk with you personally. If you are unable to introduce yourself at any point, we invite you to contact us by calling the parish rectory at (718) 892-1900 or by sending an e-mail to [email protected]
There is a prayer intention box located on the altar rail in front of the church. You can stop in the church at any time, pick up an intention card, fill it out leave it in the intention box. You can be assured that our parishioners will be praying for you and your intentions.
You are always welcome at St. Theresa! If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the priests of the parish. Remember, it is never too late to come back home. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always and we pray that God will bless you abundantly.
Sincerely in Christ,
Msgr. Thomas B. Derivan
We look forward to seeing you at Mass and at many other parish functions!