by Return to Me: Lenten Reflections by Holy Cross 2019
Good Friday! On a day that seems so dark, culminating in the death of Jesus after betrayal, trial, denial and abuse, how could it be termed “good?” This year has been one of news that reports the Church in such a negative light. In conversations with others and in my own thoughts, I struggle to address the situation that has seen the innocence of too many children destroyed, as well as the lack of responsible leadership in the Church. I know that forgiveness is what we all hope for and are committed to embrace, but this year it is so hard to understand the “how” and “why” of what has happened in the Church.
Today’s readings of the Passion of Our Lord speak to all of the negative things that have occurred. Betrayal in the garden by Judas, denial by Simon Peter, the crowd boisterous in its demand for crucifixion as Pilate sought for other solutions; followed by mocking and subsequent death of Jesus. All were works of darkness.
But it is in those moments that Good Friday became “good” because it signaled all that comes from that: rebirth, resurrection and overcoming everything on Easter Sunday. So, this Good Friday gives me the spiritual and intellectual strength and comfort that all that has not been positive for us as Catholics does not define our deepest beliefs but provides the opportunity for us to embrace the season and especially the Tridium as the hope and promise of better through a Risen Savior.