by Return to Me: Lenten Reflections by Holy Cross 2019
Many of us make judgements in our everyday lives about what we cannot see, what we do not know, or what we may not understand. In today's interactive world of email, social media and other forms of electronic and digital communication that do not account for tone and feeling, we can easily be led down a path of misconception and misunderstading, not fully understanding the entire circumstance or situation at hand.
In this Lenten season, we must challenge ourselves in much the same way that both Joseph and Jesus did by staying true to ourselves and our guiding values regardless of the opinions of others and the circumstances we face. It is important that we live our faith, values and beliefs in all our judgements, perceptions and understanding regardless of the situation.
Jesus reminds us that
"the stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." What are the cornerstones I reject or that I all too easily forget? I have the opportunity each day to listen, learn, and lead. Can I listen carefully and not form an opinion instantly? Can I inquire charitably when someone else preceives a situation differently than I do? Can I lead based on my values rather than simply follow what is popular? It is for this integrity that I dream.